Nu tycks Greta verkligen ha hamnat i blåsväder ...
Bakgrunden var att en ung indier bad henne på Twitter att stödja kampen för att ställa in några examen i ljuset av Corona-pandemin, vilket hon gjorde.
Det föll inte enbart i god jord. Snarare tycks hon ha retat gallfeber på många. En del nämner kolonialism - verkar inte helt populärt att en västerlänning lägger sig i landets interna affärer. Andra vill inte missa tillfället att lyfta fram Sveriges höga dödstal under pandemin och hånar henne för att hon själv hoppade av skolan/strejkar.
Ett litet axplock, men det finns mycket mer. Finns det inga kloka vuxna i hennes närhet som kan stoppa henne i tid innan hon skämmer ut sig själv?
Undrar om hon skulle våga åka till Indien efter detta ..?
Replying to @Greta Thunberg
Expert on India, world politics, global warming, climate change, middle East......
Is there a bigger fraud than her that the far left has created?
Find out who she is and why she’s planted at places by politicians to create chaos.
Its deeply unfair to ask Swedish citizens to tweet on examination dates of faraway India. Greta should be given enough opportunities to tweet about the failure of Sweden to save senior citizens from COVID due to utter neglect. #DontNeglectGreta
It's about new trend of politics using kids and emotions to gain business or political millage of future
Guys, please do not let an external person involve in our internal matters, shun this kid right here. We need to deal with this internally. Do not give such idiots power to comment on our internal affairs. They are opportunist nothing else. Sweden has highest fatality rate
You take care of your education, because soon you will have problems with passing the exams yourself, my dear child.
Someone who is herself neglecting her school & studies, what else can one expect from her. Get some life Kid
Greta ... India is in capable hands. Postponing the exams will lead to chaos in the next term. Job markets will not be able to cater to everyone. You're only 16 or 17. Giving a speech at the UN doesn't mean you have lived your life.
Please go back to school. Just because you want to stay uneducated, doesn't mean that everyone does. Also, who the F are you ? And, why are you meddling in our affairs ?
We don't need advise from the Don Quixote of environment and climate issues. Students of our country are capable and smart and worthy enough to handle their issues. Uneducated foreigner, please mind your own business, we Indians are better without your advice.
Why interfering in our eternal matters Don't try Noble on our students shoulder More than 70% students wants to give exams Get lost
Not all of these students can afford the jet-hopping, yacht-sailing, big bucks funded lifestyle that you have, Greta. They'll need to get day jobs, slog their backsides off and perhaps worry about the environment in the little, doable ways they can implement changes.
Who has made u the spokesperson.
@GretaThunberg all are not as lucky as you, to get famous by a one liner "how dare you" they need to work hard.
First you finish your schooling.
Second don't interfere in India's affairs. Respective government will take care
Thanks? She's interfering & stomping on India's Sovereignity like the Raj Days. Read what her own Country is doing and re-opening Schools. Her PM asking Parents to send kids to School
@GretaThunberg wants India to stop Exams.
Physician heal thyself.
Sweden, her country tried herd immunity, encouraging everyone to lead a normal life, forced parents to send kids to school, 6k died in 10ML population, but she didn't speak out against that, its Sweden's decision, but i just don't understand her logic
Why is Greta Thunberg interested in this matter? Makes one think Who all are behind this Postpone Exams ?? What is their actual Agenda?? Are students being used as Pawns for a nefarious political agenda??