Ursprungligen postat av
Har gtt back ver 11% p investeringen i Tesla Inc. Serist, har typ nyktrat till. Tror p pan-europeiska industri initiativ igen! Kolla denna trd fr att frst vad som r min vision nu (igen):
Flashback forum - Konservatism: Inrikes produktion av vsentlig teknologi
Ser man till Bidens blogg och vad han planerar fr ekonomin s kan man lsa mellan raderna att Tesla gynnas p ett helt annat stt n andra biltillverkare. Jag gillar statliga kontrakt just fr att det r en vldigt stabil inkomstklla och samma sak gller nr staten r tydlig med vart de kommer att dela ut subventioner och vilka typer av satsningar de kommer att gynna.
Nr det gller politik och aktier s fr man stlla sig frgan om varfr man investerar. Gr man det fr att investera eller fr att utva politisk pverkan? Det ena alternativet ger hgst troligen pengar medan det andra alternativet mycket vl kan handla om en frlustaffr. Med det sagt s r det fullt rimligt att avst frn att investera i t.ex. Procter & Gamble p grund av den frolmpande reklamen Gillette postade fr ngot r sedan - ett fretag som gr "woke" och frolmpar sina kunder dr kan man med all rtt ifrgastta ledningens kompetens.
P stt och vis r Biden konservativ i frgan d han vill gynna fretaget lokalt.
The budget proposal includes major new climate investments reflecting an increase of $14 billion more than 2021 levels across nearly every agency.
Department of Commerce: $11.4 billion, up 28% from 2021
$442 million for programs supporting domestic manufacturing, more than double 2021
Department of Energy: $46.1 billion, up 10.2% from 2021
$1.9 billion for clean energy projects
Auto Industry: Create 1 million new jobs in the American auto industry, domestic auto supply chains, and auto infrastructure, from parts to materials to electric vehicle charging stations, positioning American auto workers and manufacturers to win the 21st century; and invest in U.S. auto workers to ensure their jobs are good jobs with a choice to join a union.
Transit: Provide every American city with 100,000 or more residents with high-quality, zero-emissions public transportation options through flexible federal investments
Power Sector: Move ambitiously to generate clean, American-made electricity to achieve a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035.
Innovation: Drive dramatic cost reductions in critical clean energy technologies, including battery storage
Position the U.S. Auto Industry to Win the 21st Century with technology invented in America
Pursue a Historic Investment in Clean Energy Innovation
Biden will also transform the energy sources that power the transportation sector, making it easier for mobility to be powered by electricity and clean fuels, including commuter trains, school and transit buses, ferries, and passenger vehicles.
China is on track to command more than four times the global market share compared to the U.S. in electric vehicle production/../ Biden will use all the levers of the federal government, from purchasing power, R&D, tax, trade, and investment policies to reverse this trend and position America to be the global leader in the manufacture of electric vehicles and their input materials and parts.
Biden will make a major federal commitment to purchase clean vehicles for federal, state, tribal, postal, and local fleets/../ By providing an immediate, clear, and stable source of demand, this procurement commitment will help to dramatically accelerate American industrial capacity to produce clean vehicles and components, while accelerating the upgrade of the 3 million vehicles in these fleets.
Det r liksom inte s konstigt att aktien har rusat.