Flashback bygger pepparkakshus!
2021-07-17, 12:26
AcchiaHes avatar
Ursprungligen postat av MidlifeMommy
OK, det kan ha varit Malenas. Eller någon annans.
Om Greta hade haft bättre rådgivare hade hon utelämnat den politiska slagsidan helt och hållet och bara fokuserat på "vetenskapen". Nu alienerar hon en massa människor helt i onödan. Mig gör det förstås ingenting om hon skaffar sig dåligt rykte

Sorry, här måste jag tyvärr ställa mig på Gretas sida. "No pasaran" har visserligen måhända kidnappats av AFA, men ursprunget är ett slagord från 1936, Spanien, striden mellan republikaner och monarkister (Franco). För mig förmedlar inte tröjan något med AFA, utan ett ställningstagande i kampen mellan demokrati och icke-demokrati.
No pasaran betyder "de kommer inte förbi".
2021-07-17, 12:28
Sonnenwendes avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Giant Squid
Hur rik har Rentzhog blivit på Greta då, eftersom du verkar veta det?
Han slantade in rätt bra när han lämnade Laika Consulting. Efter hans avhopp så verkar Laika tappat rätt bra.

Elisabeth Höglund beskriver Gretasektens tillkomst rätt bra.

2021-07-17, 13:32
Giant Squids avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Sonnenwende
Han slantade in rätt bra när han lämnade Laika Consulting. Efter hans avhopp så verkar Laika tappat rätt bra.

Elisabeth Höglund beskriver Gretasektens tillkomst rätt bra.

Ja Elisabeth Höglund är ju relevant i mediabruset nuförtiden, inte utan anledning. Stockholmsinitiativet pröjsar bra.
Som sagt det finns inga som helst belägg för att några utav de tidigare nämnda namne tjänat en förmögenhet och gjort sig rika på Greta. Tvärtom skulle jag villa säga, ingen vill ta i Rentzhogs firma We dont have time med tång ens.
Han försökte snylta på hennes rennome tidig men blev avklippt.

Greta får beskriva den tidiga upplevelsen själv.

As the rumours, lies and constant leaving out of well established facts continue, please share this newly updated clarification about me and my school strike.
Please help me communicate this to the grown ups who lie about me and family so that I can focus on school instead:

Recently I’ve seen many rumors circulating about me and enormous amounts of hate. This is no surprise to me. I know that since most people are not aware of the full meaning of the climate crisis (which is understandable since it has never been treated as a crisis) a school strike for the climate would seem very strange to people in general.
So let me make some things clear about my school strike.

In may 2018 I was one of the winners in a writing competition about the environment held by Svenska Dagbladet, a Swedish newspaper. I got my article published and some people contacted me, among others was Bo Thorén from Fossil Free Dalsland. He had some kind of group with people, especially youth, who wanted to do something about the climate crisis.
I had a few phone meetings with other activists. The purpose was to come up with ideas of new projects that would bring attention to the climate crisis. Bo had a few ideas of things we could do. Everything from marches to a loose idea of some kind of a school strike (that school children would do something on the schoolyards or in the classrooms). That idea was inspired by the Parkland Students, who had refused to go to school after the school shootings.
I liked the idea of a school strike. So I developed that idea and tried to get the other young people to join me, but no one was really interested. They thought that a Swedish version of the Zero Hour march was going to have a bigger impact. So I went on planning the school strike all by myself and after that I didn’t participate in any more meetings.

When I told my parents about my plans they weren’t very fond of it. They did not support the idea of school striking and they said that if I were to do this I would have to do it completely by myself and with no support from them.
On the 20 of august I sat down outside the Swedish Parliament. I handed out fliers with a long list of facts about the climate crisis and explanations on why I was striking. The first thing I did was to post on Twitter and Instagram what I was doing and it soon went viral. Then journalists and newspapers started to come. A Swedish entrepreneur and business man active in the climate movement, Ingmar Rentzhog, was among the first to arrive. He spoke with me and took pictures that he posted on Facebook. That was the first time I had ever met or spoken with him. I had not communicated or encountered with him ever before.

Many people love to spread rumors saying that I have people ”behind me” or that I’m being ”paid” or ”used” to do what I’m doing. But there is no one ”behind” me except for myself. My parents were as far from climate activists as possible before I made them aware of the situation.
I am not part of any organization. I sometimes support and cooperate with several NGOs that work with the climate and environment. But I am absolutely independent and I only represent myself. And I do what I do completely for free, I have not received any money or any promise of future payments in any form at all. And nor has anyone linked to me or my family done so.
And of course it will stay this way. I have not met one single climate activist who is fighting for the climate for money. That idea is completely absurd.
Furthermore I only travel with permission from my school and my parents pay for tickets and accommodations.

And yes, I write my own speeches. But since I know that what I say is going to reach many, many people I often ask for input. I also have a few scientists that I frequently ask for help on how to express certain complicated matters. I want everything to be absolutely correct so that I don’t spread incorrect facts, or things that can be misunderstood.

Some people mock me for my diagnosis. But Asperger is not a disease, it’s a gift. People also say that since I have Asperger I couldn’t possibly have put myself in this position. But that’s exactly why I did this. Because if I would have been ”normal” and social I would have organized myself in an organisation, or started an organisation by myself. But since I am not that good at socializing I did this instead. I was so frustrated that nothing was being done about the climate crisis and I felt like I had to do something, anything. And sometimes NOT doing things - like just sitting down outside the parliament - speaks much louder than doing things. Just like a whisper sometimes is louder than shouting.
2021-07-17, 17:10
Sonnenwendes avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Giant Squid
Ja Elisabeth Höglund är ju relevant i mediabruset nuförtiden, inte utan anledning. Stockholmsinitiativet pröjsar bra.
Som sagt det finns inga som helst belägg för att några utav de tidigare nämnda namne tjänat en förmögenhet och gjort sig rika på Greta. Tvärtom skulle jag villa säga, ingen vill ta i Rentzhogs firma We dont have time med tång ens.
Han försökte snylta på hennes rennome tidig men blev avklippt.

Greta får beskriva den tidiga upplevelsen själv.

As the rumours, lies and constant leaving out of well established facts continue, please share this newly updated clarification about me and my school strike.
Please help me communicate this to the grown ups who lie about me and family so that I can focus on school instead:

Recently I’ve seen many rumors circulating about me and enormous amounts of hate. This is no surprise to me. I know that since most people are not aware of the full meaning of the climate crisis (which is understandable since it has never been treated as a crisis) a school strike for the climate would seem very strange to people in general.
So let me make some things clear about my school strike.

In may 2018 I was one of the winners in a writing competition about the environment held by Svenska Dagbladet, a Swedish newspaper. I got my article published and some people contacted me, among others was Bo Thorén from Fossil Free Dalsland. He had some kind of group with people, especially youth, who wanted to do something about the climate crisis.
I had a few phone meetings with other activists. The purpose was to come up with ideas of new projects that would bring attention to the climate crisis. Bo had a few ideas of things we could do. Everything from marches to a loose idea of some kind of a school strike (that school children would do something on the schoolyards or in the classrooms). That idea was inspired by the Parkland Students, who had refused to go to school after the school shootings.
I liked the idea of a school strike. So I developed that idea and tried to get the other young people to join me, but no one was really interested. They thought that a Swedish version of the Zero Hour march was going to have a bigger impact. So I went on planning the school strike all by myself and after that I didn’t participate in any more meetings.

When I told my parents about my plans they weren’t very fond of it. They did not support the idea of school striking and they said that if I were to do this I would have to do it completely by myself and with no support from them.
On the 20 of august I sat down outside the Swedish Parliament. I handed out fliers with a long list of facts about the climate crisis and explanations on why I was striking. The first thing I did was to post on Twitter and Instagram what I was doing and it soon went viral. Then journalists and newspapers started to come. A Swedish entrepreneur and business man active in the climate movement, Ingmar Rentzhog, was among the first to arrive. He spoke with me and took pictures that he posted on Facebook. That was the first time I had ever met or spoken with him. I had not communicated or encountered with him ever before.

Many people love to spread rumors saying that I have people ”behind me” or that I’m being ”paid” or ”used” to do what I’m doing. But there is no one ”behind” me except for myself. My parents were as far from climate activists as possible before I made them aware of the situation.
I am not part of any organization. I sometimes support and cooperate with several NGOs that work with the climate and environment. But I am absolutely independent and I only represent myself. And I do what I do completely for free, I have not received any money or any promise of future payments in any form at all. And nor has anyone linked to me or my family done so.
And of course it will stay this way. I have not met one single climate activist who is fighting for the climate for money. That idea is completely absurd.
Furthermore I only travel with permission from my school and my parents pay for tickets and accommodations.

And yes, I write my own speeches. But since I know that what I say is going to reach many, many people I often ask for input. I also have a few scientists that I frequently ask for help on how to express certain complicated matters. I want everything to be absolutely correct so that I don’t spread incorrect facts, or things that can be misunderstood.

Some people mock me for my diagnosis. But Asperger is not a disease, it’s a gift. People also say that since I have Asperger I couldn’t possibly have put myself in this position. But that’s exactly why I did this. Because if I would have been ”normal” and social I would have organized myself in an organisation, or started an organisation by myself. But since I am not that good at socializing I did this instead. I was so frustrated that nothing was being done about the climate crisis and I felt like I had to do something, anything. And sometimes NOT doing things - like just sitting down outside the parliament - speaks much louder than doing things. Just like a whisper sometimes is louder than shouting.
Jobbigt när hjärnorna bakom Gretas skolstrejk exponeras av en riktig journalist.
Undrar om det var Svante, Ingemar eller Göran som skrev texten?

Hur går det med sjölapparnas skolstrejk mot Tesla förresten?
Senast redigerad av Sonnenwende 2021-07-17 kl. 17:16.
2021-07-17, 18:18
oilslicks avatar
Hur kommer det att funka med "skolstrejken" nu när hon inte längre går i skolan?
2021-07-17, 19:49
Tittade på Gretas twitter idag och såg en bild på henne med måltavla på kroppen.Vad är detta för sjukt
2021-07-17, 19:54
Giant Squids avatar
Ursprungligen postat av tindraninni
Tittade på Gretas twitter idag och såg en bild på henne med måltavla på kroppen.Vad är detta för sjukt
Det är ifrån ett amerikanskt bolag som säljer måltavlor för skytte på kända personer.

2021-07-17, 20:07
Ursprungligen postat av Giant Squid
Det är ifrån ett amerikanskt bolag som säljer måltavlor för skytte på kända personer.

Tack för informationen
2021-07-17, 23:09
Ursprungligen postat av tindraninni
Tack för informationen
Dock inte tillåtet i Sverige. Från skjuthandboken:

"Människoliknande mål av icke-militär, kommersiell eller egen tillverkning får inte användas."

Det skulle möjligtvis kunna accepteras om Greta™ på måltavlan bar uniform, men jag tvivlar på att hon väcker tillräckligt starka känslor för att någon skulle vara intresserad. Det är lite som med "Palme-hatet". Jag såg aldrig någonsin en darttavla med Palmes ansikte. Utom i kvällstidningarna, enligt dem var det vanligt förekommande. (Kanske på deras redaktioner då?)

En annan sak: Vad strejkar Greta™ från nuförtiden? Hon har väl ingen anställning, och skolorna har sommarlov? Hon kanske strejkar från förnuftet?
2021-07-17, 23:46
Sonnenwendes avatar
Ursprungligen postat av AcchiaHe
Sorry, här måste jag tyvärr ställa mig på Gretas sida. "No pasaran" har visserligen måhända kidnappats av AFA, men ursprunget är ett slagord från 1936, Spanien, striden mellan republikaner och monarkister (Franco). För mig förmedlar inte tröjan något med AFA, utan ett ställningstagande i kampen mellan demokrati och icke-demokrati.
No pasaran betyder "de kommer inte förbi".
Nu var aldrig vänstern i Spanien några korgossar, mord och tortyr var legio från dag 1 och en av anledningarna att Franco fick ett så pass stort stöd som han fick. När sedan Sovjet tog kommandot på vänstersidan så började anarkister och andra icke-Sovjettrogna slaktas de med.
Men tack för att du klargör Gretasektens och Gretas stöd för mord och tortyr.
2021-07-18, 11:44
Ursprungligen postat av Osynlige.Mannen
Dock inte tillåtet i Sverige. Från skjuthandboken:

"Människoliknande mål av icke-militär, kommersiell eller egen tillverkning får inte användas."

Det skulle möjligtvis kunna accepteras om Greta™ på måltavlan bar uniform, men jag tvivlar på att hon väcker tillräckligt starka känslor för att någon skulle vara intresserad. Det är lite som med "Palme-hatet". Jag såg aldrig någonsin en darttavla med Palmes ansikte. Utom i kvällstidningarna, enligt dem var det vanligt förekommande. (Kanske på deras redaktioner då?)

En annan sak: Vad strejkar Greta™ från nuförtiden? Hon har väl ingen anställning, och skolorna har sommarlov? Hon kanske strejkar från förnuftet?
Ja du vad hon strejkar ifrån var en bra fråga.Det verkar vara från förnuftet som du säger.Hon går varken i skolan eller har sommarjobb.Börjar bli löjligt med den skylten.
2021-07-18, 11:56
wwrs avatar
Ursprungligen postat av tindraninni
Ja du vad hon strejkar ifrån var en bra fråga.Det verkar vara från förnuftet som du säger.Hon går varken i skolan eller har sommarjobb.Börjar bli löjligt med den skylten.
Det är bara vi som inte förstår. Gretas vägar äro outgrundliga.

Greta ställer de stora klimatbovarna till svars. Just nu attackerar hon granplanteringar. Vem hade trott att de tillhörde klimatförstörarna!
Senast redigerad av wwr 2021-07-18 kl. 12:02.

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