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SARMS N. Matty Fact Checked by Dr. Chekanov Nikolai No Comments 39,742 views 34 likes 7 years ago
Fact Checked Editorial Process Medical Review Board Medical Disclaimer
GW-501516 (Cardarine) and Cancer
Table of Contents
1 Arguments for Cancer
1.1 Rodent Studies
1.2 Flawed Testing Methods
1.3 Scientific Basis for the Link to Cancer
2 Arguments Against Cancer
1.1 Scientific Basis Against Link to Cancer
1.2 Studies
3 Research Material
Arguments for Cancer
Rodent Studies
In just about every thread you can find about the use of GW-501516 (GW or Cardarine) in humans, somebody always feels the need say it causes cancer. This is mainly based on a study in which rodents who were subjected to GW developed cancer during the clinical trials, which is partially true. Though, the information these people tend to leave out is under what conditions were these rodents developed cancer during the study. This argument is either because they are repeating something they read online, or realized if they cited the actually study their argument would lose all validity.
*****The study, that is so often referred to, subjected rats to supraphysiological dosages of 10mg/kg of body, or to put that in perspective, a 200lb man (roughly 90 kg) dosing around 900mgs of GW-501516 per day. These doses defy any sensible logic and, therefore, hold no standing at the suggested dosage of 20mg a day.
The study cited above, rats were given the equivalent of a 900mgs dose of GW; this would be comparable to taking 14,625 mgs of aspirin per day. Usually, 325 mgs of aspirin is 1 dose (1 pill). This dose of aspirin could literally KILL you, forget cancer!*****
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Frlt om det blir offtopic.
Vill inte g emot regler hr, d'rfr kommer inte jag prata om Cardanine mer.
Men lser grna motbevisning att jag kommit med livsfarlig info. Glm det bara.