Aktien slutade upp 4% (938) men nog ringer en hel orkester av varningsklockor runt TSLA nu. Aktiekursen r det bsta med bilmrket s den kan kanske manipuleras till att inte scka ihop som i alla fall jag hade frvntat om normala marknadsmssiga lagar hade varit i funktion.
Tesla says it has put 2017 battery packs in brand new 2021 cars in strange warning
This vehicle was built with a battery pack manufactured as early as 2017. While this pack was brand new when the vehicle was built, the cells have reduced capacity due to their age and you can expect up to 12% reduction in range from current production specifications.
"Utfrsljning, lagret tms, affren upphr"???
(Fast givetvis kommer klubben att tolka detta som att Northvolt kommer att skra guld med tljkniv i det nya Klondike, Skellefte)