Nr man lser Guardians artikel som jmfr arbetsfrhllandena under Musk med
modernt slaveri s skall man komma ihg en viktig pussselbit i den moderna globaliseringen: Massinvandring och verbefolkning leder inte bara till motsttningar mellan folkgrupper. Den leder ven till att folkmngden kar s snabbt att resurser kan f svrt att rcka till och fretagsledarna kan vlja och vraka bland arbetarna. Musks lner i Shanghai r ibland s lgt nere som p $1500/ mnad och Shanghai r ingen utprglat billig stad. Index fr levnadsomkostnader
hr r 144 (Stockholm 166)
Orsakerna att Musk och Tesla drar hem strsta delen av sin vinst i Kina r att Kina motsvarar det samhlle som Musk och andra internationella fretagsledare frsker bygga, med minimal kontroll av demokratiska myndigheter och fackfreningar. Musk stller sig p de kinesiska myndigheternas sida och kan bedriva rovdrift av arbetskraften.
Kina har lnge lidit av verbefolkning efter det att Mao fastslog "Mnga mnniskor - stor kraft". Man har frskt f kningen under kontroll, men en stor folkmngd gr att Musk kan hantera arbetskraften som en naturresurs som skall exploateras p ett optimerat stt. Det r en orsak att den globala agendan medvetet glmmer bort verbefolkningen. Musks Twitter frn januari visar p detta:
We should be much more worried about population collapse
On Tuesday, the Tesla boss praised Chinese factory workers for pulling extreme hours while taking a shot at American workers. There is just a lot of super talented hardworking people in China who strongly believe in manufacturing, the billionaire said. They wont just be burning the midnight oil, they will be burning the 3am oil, they wont even leave the factory type of thing, whereas in America people are trying to avoid going to work at all.
In April, Tesla restricted its Shanghai workers from leaving the factory under a so-called closed-loop system originally developed by Chinese authorities to contain Beijing Olympics participants. While locked inside, the workers were reportedly made to work 12-hour shifts, six days in a row, and to sleep on factory floors.
Labor rights and safety violations have been reported at Teslas Shanghai factory since it opened in 2018, with some workers making as little as $1,500 a month in what an investigation by local journalists called the Giga-sweatshop.
Even in the United States, Musk is well known for his disregard for labor norms and work-life balance: the tech billionaire infamously declared nobody ever changed the world on 40 hours a week. He has bragged about making Teslas US employees work 100-hour weeks, while claiming to have worked 120-hour weeks himself. In March, Musk called an all-hands meeting for his other company, SpaceX, at 1am.
These practices are on par with Chinas extreme work culture, nicknamed 996, in which workers are expected to work from 9am to 9pm, six days a week. The practice has been the source of protests in recent years and has been characterized as a form of modern slavery.
Employees in China are often asked to sign a strivers pledge which waives their right to overtime pay and paid time off.
(FB) Tesla Motors - TSLA (USA)
TSLA fljde med nasdaq upp lite idag till 775, motsvarande ungefr septembers niv, frra ret.