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De flesta biverkningar av vaccinerna som folk känner är troligtvis suggestioner:
Frequency of Adverse Events in the Placebo Arms of COVID-19 Vaccine Trials
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Key Points
Question What was the frequency of adverse events (AEs) in the placebo groups of COVID-19 vaccine trials?
Findings In this systematic review and meta-analysis of 12 articles including AE reports for 45 380 trial participants, systemic AEs were experienced by 35% of placebo recipients after the first dose and 32% after the second. Significantly more AEs were reported in the vaccine groups, but AEs in placebo arms (“nocebo responses”) accounted for 76% of systemic AEs after the first COVID-19 vaccine dose and 52% after the second dose.
Meaning This study found that the rate of nocebo responses in placebo arms of COVID-19 vaccine trials was substantial; this finding should be considered in public vaccination programs.
Den här studien är värdelös eftersom den uteslöt alla allvarliga biverkningar.
Man jämför typ "ont i huvudet" och "trötthet" och sånt.
Dessutom uteslöt man alla spontanrapporterade biverkningar. Man inkluderar bara biverkningar från studiens frågeformulär. Typ: "har det kliat i armen", och "har du haft feber" och sånt. Det är ju suggestion från tillverkarens sida så det lär ju vara grov överrapportering av det skälet. Så fort man får frågan så börjar det ju klia i armen.
Nyckelmeningen är den här:
Only AEs in terms of solicited reactogenicity symptoms were derived. Long-term observations or follow-up data were not considered as outcomes in the meta-analysis, and neither were serious AEs.
solicited = ej spontanrapporterad
serious AEs = allvarlig biverkning