Hittade vem det var som hade försökt att lugnt ställa några klimatfrågor till Greta men där Greta tog av sig mössan som signal att någon måste "rädda henne" ur situationen.
Videon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5_ZvHatBVY
Texten som hör till videon översatt från Franska till Engelska:
Videon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5_ZvHatBVY
Texten som hör till videon översatt från Franska till Engelska:
In February, a Climate March was going through Brussels, led by Greta Thunberg. By interviewing young participants, I realized that they did not know the cause of the cause they were protesting for: global warming
A week later I interviewed a high school teacher who encouraged his students to demonstrate for the climate: he knew no more.
Starting from the principle that it is better to address God rather than his saints, I decided to interview Greta Thunberg herself. Eight days ago, I flew to Stockholm (I admit) to find her in front of the Swedish parliament, where she leads her school strike every Friday. Bad luck, she had taken the train to demonstrate in Berlin.
Of stubborn nature, I took the plane (yes ...) the following week. After all, Stockholm is a very beautiful city. Victory: this Friday Greta is at his post. She chats with a small group of young French people. I'm waiting for my turn to approach it:
"I saw you in Brussels, there were a lot of people ... I heard you suggest to young people to study the climate. I would like a little talk about this. I guess you studied it ... "
She nods a few times, but I feel fearful, uncomfortable: I feel she says "yes", but thinks "no". At this moment, she takes off her hat. It's a signal. Instantly, a blonde woman in her fifties wearing dark glasses, who followed the scene behind me, intervenes:
"Hello, sorry, we have something to do now. I have to take him away, thanks ... "
End of the interview. A bodyguard dressed in black - which we can see he was watching me too - accompanies them a few meters further (as we see in the last sequence of the video): it was only a matter of putting Greta to the free from questions. A little later, a second bodyguard arrives by bicycle, with the Greenpeace logo on the back of a K-way that folds immediately.
Unlike the Brussels protesters, Greta did not answer any questions. I found myself in front of an extinct girl, without passion, a deflating doll, manipulated by disturbing people. A child under terror.
It is programmed for apocalyptic and provocative speeches of a few minutes in front of the big ones of this world. Perhaps we will evoke her "selective silence" linked to autism, but we note that she responded complacently to the questions (more personal) asked by young people before me.
A strange climate leader who does not accept being asked a question about the climate. We can only prostrate ourselves, and the world does not hesitate: Angela Merkel, Macron, Juncker, the jury of the Nobel Prize, when the Pope ...?
A few hours later, while walking back to the same place, Greta is still there, also extinct, among a few people. His bodyguards were replaced by two other gorillas. On an undetectable signal, she abruptly searches for her "SKOLSTREJK FÖR KLIMATET" (Climate Strike) sign and, like an automaton, settles against the river's railing for a group photo with children. The advertising ballet is perfectly tuned ...
I was accused of "trapping" young protesters. I may be accused today of blasphemy. But what I see is a crowd of blind people led by a blind person, as in the Bible parable.
In February, a Climate March was going through Brussels, led by Greta Thunberg. By interviewing young participants, I realized that they did not know the cause of the cause they were protesting for: global warming
A week later I interviewed a high school teacher who encouraged his students to demonstrate for the climate: he knew no more.
Starting from the principle that it is better to address God rather than his saints, I decided to interview Greta Thunberg herself. Eight days ago, I flew to Stockholm (I admit) to find her in front of the Swedish parliament, where she leads her school strike every Friday. Bad luck, she had taken the train to demonstrate in Berlin.
Of stubborn nature, I took the plane (yes ...) the following week. After all, Stockholm is a very beautiful city. Victory: this Friday Greta is at his post. She chats with a small group of young French people. I'm waiting for my turn to approach it:
"I saw you in Brussels, there were a lot of people ... I heard you suggest to young people to study the climate. I would like a little talk about this. I guess you studied it ... "
She nods a few times, but I feel fearful, uncomfortable: I feel she says "yes", but thinks "no". At this moment, she takes off her hat. It's a signal. Instantly, a blonde woman in her fifties wearing dark glasses, who followed the scene behind me, intervenes:
"Hello, sorry, we have something to do now. I have to take him away, thanks ... "
End of the interview. A bodyguard dressed in black - which we can see he was watching me too - accompanies them a few meters further (as we see in the last sequence of the video): it was only a matter of putting Greta to the free from questions. A little later, a second bodyguard arrives by bicycle, with the Greenpeace logo on the back of a K-way that folds immediately.
Unlike the Brussels protesters, Greta did not answer any questions. I found myself in front of an extinct girl, without passion, a deflating doll, manipulated by disturbing people. A child under terror.
It is programmed for apocalyptic and provocative speeches of a few minutes in front of the big ones of this world. Perhaps we will evoke her "selective silence" linked to autism, but we note that she responded complacently to the questions (more personal) asked by young people before me.
A strange climate leader who does not accept being asked a question about the climate. We can only prostrate ourselves, and the world does not hesitate: Angela Merkel, Macron, Juncker, the jury of the Nobel Prize, when the Pope ...?
A few hours later, while walking back to the same place, Greta is still there, also extinct, among a few people. His bodyguards were replaced by two other gorillas. On an undetectable signal, she abruptly searches for her "SKOLSTREJK FÖR KLIMATET" (Climate Strike) sign and, like an automaton, settles against the river's railing for a group photo with children. The advertising ballet is perfectly tuned ...
I was accused of "trapping" young protesters. I may be accused today of blasphemy. But what I see is a crowd of blind people led by a blind person, as in the Bible parable.
Senast redigerad av wedonthavetime 2019-10-07 kl. 18:14.
Senast redigerad av wedonthavetime 2019-10-07 kl. 18:14.