Fyra veckor kvar till valet, det drar ihop sig. Och det verkar som det inte bara r anstllda inom Vita Huset som febersvettas nu?
Det tycks g som en kall kr genom hela det republikanska partiet:
Stop me if youve heard this before: The president has a problem with female voters. Yes, this has been observed by every pollster, every political professional, in both parties over the past four years. Trump has been briefed on ittime and againby his team, who warned him that the 2018 Democratic wave could repeat itself without a course correction. But what were seeing now, in polling conducted by both parties, isnt a wave. It isnt even a tsunami. Its something we dont have a name for, because weve never seen anything like it.
Last week, I heard from one of the smartest Republicans alive, a longtime party operator who lives in a state Trump carried by double digits. He told me the polling he was seeing there was something out of a nightmare; these were numbers he never expected to see in his lifetime. The only thing more dizzying than that? I had another conversation, with another dependable red-state Republican, the very next day, and heard the very same thing. Both of these men were sounding the alarm, alerting me that Trump could actually lose their states, and would at the very least drag down a number of down-ballot Republicans, because women have turned on the GOP at a historic clip. Trump lost women by 13 points to Clinton, according to exit polls, and Republicans have long worried that the figure could climb into the high teens. There is now genuine worry that the margin could explode north of 20 pointsthe biggest gender gap in modern election history.
Donald verkar helt ha missat att fr att kunna vinna val s mste man vara antingen populr eller ha policies som tilltalar vljarna? Och han r raka motsatsen till bda dessa faktorer.

Han r anti-Midas;
allt han rr vid blir till skit:
Trump Is The Most Unpopular President Since Ford To Run For Reelection
As the virus consumes the U.S. governments elite, Trump presides over a capital in chaos.
As the coronavirus upended the top echelons of the U.S. government on Tuesday leaving President Trump convalescing in the White House, the Capitol eerily empty after lawmakers tested positive and most of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in quarantine the president abruptly ended talks on a stimulus bill intended to shore up the nations pandemic-stricken economy.