2021-12-29, 02:04
Nyreggadjudes avatar
Det vore intressant att överblicka den här världen och utröna hur den verkligen fungerar, bortom alla felaktiga föreställningar som idag sprids och oavsett vilka etiketter som används. Det kan vara alltifrån invandringskritiska boomers som pratar om att vissa politiker i riksdagen är "globalister" medan andra inte är "globalister", till mer internationellt kända "nationalistiska" röster och snacket om en förhärskande amerikansk hegemoni eller imperialism, påstått "självständiga" länder som råder sig på egen hand och hotar "globalismen" vilken snart är på väg att försvinna.

Här följer några nerdykningar under exemplet Kinas 1900-tal (med upptakt) och framåt som visar hur det kan gå till:

1830-talet Rotschild etablerar sig i Shanghai och handlar med guld och silver

1863 Rockefeller säljer fotogen till Kina

1903 Yale Divinity School, kopplat till Yale University i USA, etablerar skolor och sjukhus i Kina, känt som "Yale in China".
Yale in China finansieras av Rothschild och Rockefeller

1914 Rockefeller Foundation (RF) grundar China Medical Board

1917 RF grundar Peking Union Medical College.

Samma år kommer polskfödde juden Israel Epstein, två år gammal med familj till Kina. Han blir sedermera journalist, författare och medlem i det kinesiska kommunistpartiet, propagandist under Mao, översättare av hans och kommunistpartiets skrifter och är möjligtvis den verklige upphovsmannen till Maos lilla röda.

1919 Mao Zedong, 26 år, är i Peking och bekantar sig med de kommunistiska teorierna i marxistiska studiegrupper. The Student Union of Yale and China erbjuder senare Mao att ta över ledarskapet över deras tidsskrift. Mao tackar ja och sprider de nya teorierna i tidningen.
Han blir även dekan vid Yale in China.

1921 Mao befinner sig i Shanghai och är medgrundare av Kinas kommunistiska parti.

1928 RF breddar sitt engagemang i Kina bortom områdena medicin och folkhälsa till naturvetenskap, samhällsvetenskap och humaniora

1933 RF har investerat mycket i utbildningen i Kina, vid detta år över 37 miljoner dollar

1935-37 RF etablerar the North China Council for Rural Reconstruction, kopplat till universitetsverksamheten. Enligt RF:s arkiv handlade det om att bygga upp en jordbruksekonomi och påverka det kinesiska ledarskapet:

The first priority the RF set was building an effective agricultural economy. The RF believed its most useful role would be “stimulating Chinese leadership” to define the fundamentals.

1939 Israel Epstein publicerar sin första bok, The People’s War, vilken för omvärlden beskriver det kinesiska folkets hjältemodiga motstånd under kriget mot Japan.

1941 Kina är ett av de första länderna att skriva på "Declaration by United Nations" under Arcadia Conference i Washington D.C. årsskiftet 1941-42, som blev grunden till Förenta nationerna 1945.
Tillsammans med USA, England och Ryssland utgör Kina "the Big Four" som efter kriget ska agera världspolis inom sina respektive geografiska zoner. Kina och Ryssland är två av de fem permanenta medlemmarna av FNs säkerhetsråd

Juden Solomon Adler, representant för det amerikanska finansdepartementet posteras i Kina. Adler hade i USA arbetat med juden Harry Dexter White som tillsammans med juden Henry Morgenthau Jr., båda på finansdepartementet, under WW2 tog fram den s.k. Morgenthauplanen vilken gick ut på att förinta Tyskland. White var även en av skaparna av Internationella valutafonden och Världsbanken.
Adlers rapporter till finansminister Morgenthau hade stor betydelse för den ekonomiska hanteringen av Kina

1943 Mao blir ordförande för Kinas kommunistiska parti

1944 Den judiske journalisten Sidney Rittenberg, medlem i USA:s kommunistiska parti, flyttar till Kina. Han var den förste amerikanske medborgaren att bli medlem i Kinas kommunistiska parti och arbetade nära Mao och andra ledare inom partiet. Rittenberg arbetade på de statligt ägda mediaorganen Xinhua News Agency och Radio Peking

1946 Kinesiska revolutionen påbörjas, ledd av kommunistpartiet och Mao Zedong

1947 Israel Epsteins bok The Unfinished Revolution in China publiceras i USA och öppnar världens ögon för Kinas kommunistparti, den kinesiska revolutionen och påannonserar det kommande skapandet av en ny republik

Juden Sidney Shapiro kommer till Kina. Han träffar sin blivande fru, en kinesisk kvinna med sympatier för kommunistpartiet. Shapiro blir med tiden även han en sympatisör och är för nästan ett halvt sekel översättare på statligt ägda Foreign Languages Press där han översätter kinesisk litteratur

1948 Kinas folkbank grundas. Mellan 1950 och 1978 är det Kinas enda bank med funktionen av både central- och affärsbank

1949 Mao Zedong proklamerar grundandet av Folkrepubliken Kina

1953 Rothschilds banker är de första att etablera relationer med Kina efter kommunistrevolutionen. Från Rothschild & Co:

The Rothschild family businesses can trace their first contact with China to the 1830's. Our business was one of the first Western business institutions to re-establish relations after 1953.

1954 Henry Kissinger leder Council on Foreign Relations studiegrupp för kärnvapen där David Rockefeller är medlem. Kissinger blir inbjuden att sitta i styrelsen till Rockefeller Brothers Fund

1969 David Rockefeller blir ordförande för Chase Manhattan Bank

1971 Kissinger reser i hemlighet till Kina, "The Opening to China". 15 juli meddelar Nixon i TV att han ska besöka Kina nästa år

1972 President Nixon och John D. Rockefeller reser till Kina.

1973 George H.W Bush besöker Kina som USA:s första (inofficiella) ambassadör. Henry Kissinger och David Rockefeller åker till Kina och ser sig omkring. David skriver om resan i NYTimes, uppenbart nöjd med vad de åstadkommit:

One is impressed immediately by the sense of national harmony. From the loud patriotic music at the border onward, there is very real and pervasive dedication to Chairman Mao and Maoist principles. Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. General economic and social progress is no less impressive. Only 25 years ago, starvation and abject poverty are said to have been more the rule than the exception in China.

Today, almost everyone seems to enjoy adequate, if Spartan, food, clothing and housing. Streets and homes are spotlessly clean, and medical care greatly improved. Crime, drug addiction, prostitution
and venereal disease have been virtually eliminated. Doors are routinely left unlocked. Rapid strides are being made in agriculture, reforestation, industry and education. Eighty per cent of school‐age children now attend primary school, compared with 20 per cent just twenty years ago...

The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history. How extensively China opens up and how the world interprets and reacts to the social innovations and life styles she has developed is certain to have a profound impact on the future of many nations.

Chase Manhattan Bank blir första amerikanska korrespondent med banken i Kina

1982 Rothschild tar kontroll över Kinas folkbank vilken blir Kinas officiella centralbank. Från Rothschild & Co om deras relationer med och verksamhet i regionen:

Global Advisory provides impartial, expert advisory and execution services to large and mid-sized corporations, private equity, families and entrepreneurs. We have direct access to the Chinese and North Asian markets through our local Chinese bankers who are based on the ground in Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong, and supported by a partnership in South Korea.

We command an in-depth knowledge of the region's economic development and the challenges facing its industries, and have developed an exceptional understanding of the local regulatory and market environment. Our team is skilled at bridging the cultural gaps that can exist between the managements of foreign and local companies, and are the leading adviser to Chinese companies investing in Europe.

Wealth and Asset Management in Hong Kong provides Wealth Management services to help clients structure and safeguard their wealth, and to invest and manage their financial assets.
We serve successful families, entrepreneurs, foundations and charities.

1983 Israel Epstein och Sidney Shapiro utses till medlemmar i det konsultativa organet Kinesiska folkets politiskt rådgivande konferens

Fortsättning följer nedan.
2021-12-29, 02:26
Nyreggadjudes avatar
1998 Rockefeller Brothers Fund kommenterar under rubriken "China Confronts the Challenge of Globalization Implications for Domestic Cohesion and International Cooperation" Kinas roll i den globala världsordningen med en öppnande osäker ton om vad som komma skall:

During the two decades since 1972, China has shifted from an insular, autarkic state to one which has assumed a prominent role in global affairs. Its growing military and economic power, coupled with its ability to affect the well-being of humanity on issues as diverse as drug trafficking and the environment, have further granted it influence well beyond its borders. Yet the world remains unsure how the People’s Republic of China (PRC) will elect to exercise this influence. Will it be an active and engaged member of the international community and contribute to resolve the myriad threats and challenges of the twenty-first century? Or should the world anticipate a PRC committed to only the narrowest set of domestic priorities with little interest in advancing a broader set of global goals and interests?

Avslutningen andas hoppfullhet om hur man ska kunna lirka med, muta och genera Kina till lydnad:

The international community seeks to engage China as a partner in meeting the emerging threats of international crime, drug trafficking, nuclear proliferation, and environmental degradation. Both China’s historical outlook on international cooperation and its current domestic challenges suggest that this will be a long engagement, fraught with tension and conflict as China’s leaders discern the level of commitment they are prepared to undertake.

Chinese leaders remain troubled by even the slightest loss of sovereignty, such as permitting external monitoring of their activities. Advocates of true interdependence and notions of collective responsibility are few. Thus, in many cases, China must be cajoled, bribed, or embarrassed into participation. Yet, Chinese interest in participating in international regimes has clearly grown over the two decades since 1972, and increased involvement has engendered pockets of new thinking and the emergence of new actors with strong linkages to the international community. This trend holds the promise of real change in the future.

...as China’s leaders attempt to cope with the pressures of a political and economic system intransition, they are simultaneously being buffeted by international forces over which they have little control.

...the potential for China to be an effective, responsible, and committed participant in international regimes exists and, in fact, is likely to grow. However, the process will be a tortuous one that will proceed in fits and starts, as Beijing attempts at once to chart a new path into unfamiliar territory while continuing to rely on old maps.

2005 Rockefeller Brothers Fund etablerar bidragsprogram för Kina med syfte att "engaging with and fostering collaborations among the government, business, civil society, and academia."

2011 Rothschild etablerar en av de första privata aktiefonderna i Kina

2017 Alexandre de Rothschild möter Ye Jianming, ordförande för CEFC China Energy, i Shanghai. De kommer överens om att stärka samarbetet på områden som energi, luftfart, infrastruktur, livsmedel, finanser och egendomsförvaltning

2018 Juden Robert Lawrence Kuhn, internationell investeringsbankir, stationerad i USA, erhåller "China Reform Friendship Medal" av Kinas ledare Xi Jinping vid 40-årsfirandet av "China’s reform and opening up". Denna medalj som är Kinas högsta utmärkelse, har hyllat 10 st utlänningar som hjälpt till med att underlätta Kinas reformer och "öppnande" under de gångna fyra årtiondena.
Andra personer som fått medaljen är bl a Klaus Schwab (WEF talar för Kinas interagerande med världen och har haft kinesiska deltagare vid årsmötena sedan starten 1979), Werner Gerich (tredje "tysk" efter Marx och Engels att föräras en byst i Wuhan), Juan Antonio Samaranch och Maurice R. Greenberg

Kuhn är rådgivare åt Citigroup (vars dotterbolag inkluderar Citibank China, första amerikanska bank att etablera sig i Kina) han är även vetenskapsman, har doktorsgrad i hjärnforskning, är mediaägare med fokus på bl a "Cosmos, Consciousness and God" i sina program
Kuhn är engagerad i Kina på en mängd olika sätt. Några exempel:

Han har under 30 år arbetat med Kinas statsmän och regering som rådgivare.
Kuhn fungerar som rådgivare åt företag och ledare när det gäller att utarbeta och implementera Kinas förehavanden genom att använda sig av hans “politico-strategic framework”, detta på en rad områden som vetenskap, teknologi, industri, media, underhållning, medicin, friskvård, finanser m.m.
Kuhn är värd för showen Closer to China.
Han är ordförande för Kuhn Foundation som ägnar sig åt att bygga goda relationer mellan USA och Kina

Han har i sin bok How China’s Leaders Think: The Inside Story of China’s Reform and What This Means for the Future, lagt fram konceptet om "the Chinese dream" och vad den innebär:

The Chinese Dream has four parts:
Strong China (economically, politically, diplomatically, scientifically, militarily);
Civilized China (equity and fairness, rich culture, high morals);
Harmonious China (amity among social classes);
Beautiful China (healthy environment, low pollution).

Kinas ledare Xi Jinping tog "the Chinese Dream" som sin slogan 2013 för en slags nationell pånyttfödelse i sin kampanj mot korruption, främjandet av marknadsreformer, ett styre med större vikt på lag och de juridiska institutionerna. Han uppmuntrade unga kineser "to dare to dream, work assiduously to fulfill the dreams and contribute to the revitalization of the nation...cherish the glorious youth, strive with pioneer spirit and contribute their wisdom and energy to the realization of the Chinese dream."

2019 Rockefeller Brothers Fund skriver entusiastiskt om Kinas framtid:

At the core of the RBF’s work in China is a fundamental belief in the wisdom, creativity, and resourcefulness of the Chinese people. With innovative government policy, a vibrant marketplace, and growing public participation, China has the potential to lead the world in sustainable approaches to development.
China has registered extraordinary progress since it launched an era of reform and opening 40 years ago, which includes, among many achievements, the elevation of hundreds of millions of people out of extreme poverty and the growth of China’s economy into the second largest in the world...China has emerged as a determined leader in global environmental and climate governance. Still largely untapped is its vast potential to shape environmental policies as well as climate action in the Asian region and beyond through its investment patterns, sharing of lessons learned, and support for sustainable finance for development. These developments point to a transformative moment in China’s environmental and climate policymaking and governance. As the Chinese government and people take significant steps to address environmental pollution, climate change, and their impact on public health in an increasingly integrated way, both domestically and internationally, the Fund will assist these efforts by engaging with and fostering collaborations among the government, business, civil society, and academia. The Fund will encourage solutions that take into account social, economic, and cultural considerations and will emphasize capacity building at all levels.

RBF skänker 750,000 dollar till China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development, enligt CCICEDs hemsida med direkta kopplingar till Kinas statsråd, högsta administrativa auktoritet i regeringen och med kommentarer om dess roll i världen:

The China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) was founded in 1992 as a high-level international advisory body with the approval of the Government of China. Along with rapid economic and social progress, the Council has witnessed and taken part in China's historic shifts in its development philosophy and model.
The CCICED has played a unique role in championing sustainable development. It has opened the door to international experience on sustainable development and built a bridge between China and the international community on environment and development. The CCICED is truly a platform of exchange, enabling the international community to understand China and support China’s engagement with the world...

A direct channel to Chinese leadership

The CCICED Chairperson is one of the leaders of China’s State Council, responsible for environmental protection. The Chairperson attends the Annual General Meeting and listens to the policy recommendations – a document which is also circulated to the State Council and concerned ministries.
This unique channel ensures the Council’s valuable research findings and policy recommendations reach national decision makers.

RBF donerar 100,000 var till Chinese Academy of Sciences och Lancang-Mekong Environmental Cooperation Center, båda statligt ägda. RBF donerar vidare under samma tidsperiod hundratusentals dollar till stiftelser och organisationer styrda av kommunistpartiets medlemmar, samt till Kinas Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

BRI ska ha försatt utvecklingsländer i skuld till kinesiska borgenärer. Efter att Sri Lanka försummade att betala skuld till Kina fick de ge upp en hamn till dem varpå Kina kunde etablera en viktig kustbas i regionen. BRI lär även ha orsakat skada på miljön som de internationella makthavarna säger sig värna om.
2021-12-29, 23:13
Nyreggadjudes avatar
Judendomen i form av FN har kommit så pass långt att samla så gott som världens alla länder i en och samma struktur. Det finns för tillfället ca 195 stycken länder varav 193 är medlemmar i FN, världens största överstatliga organ.
FN kallar sina medlemsländer "självständiga". "Fredsälskande" ska man tydligen vara också.
Kina är alltså tillsammans med Ryssland, USA, Frankrike och Storbritanien de fem permanenta medlemmarna i FN:s säkerhetsråd och har vetorätt i rådet. Deras uppgifter regleras av FN-stadgan och ska upprätthålla internationell fred och säkerhet, stävja konflikter, rådge medlemsländer i ekonomiska förehavanden m.m.

Tydligen är Kinas Belt and Road Initiative helt i linje med den globala agendan, den "hållbara utvecklingen".
Den kinesiska statsrådsmannen och utrikesministern Wang Yi möter FN:s generalsekreterare António Guterres i samförstånd gällande det internationella samarbetet:

On April 26, 2019, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met in Beijing with Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) António Guterres, who was in China for the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.
Wang Yi said China and the UN are natural partners in jointly building the Belt and Road Initiative. Your speech at the opening ceremony this morning shows your strong support for the Belt and Road Initiative, which we highly appreciate. Jointly building the Belt and Road Initiative follows the principal of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, conforms to the purposes of the UN Charter, pursues openness, green and integrity, and reflects the general will of the international community. It advocates high-quality development and sustainable development and improves people's livelihood, and it is highly consistent with the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. More than 10 UN agencies have signed cooperation agreements with the Chinese side. The Chinese side is ready to enhance communication and integration with the UN to jointly push for more tangible results in cooperation in the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative.
At present, upholding multilateralism is the greatest common divisor of the international community. China and the UN should work together to translate multilateralism into concrete actions and enhance international coordination and cooperation. António Guterres said that the Belt and Road Initiative is highly compatible with the goals pursued by the UN and is conducive to solving various problems facing the world today and addressing challenges such as financing for development and climate change.
The Belt and Road Initiative is an important opportunity for all countries in the world. The UN stands ready to work closely with the Chinese side in the process of jointly building the Belt and Road Initiative to jointly promote the cause of peace and development of mankind.


Mer om vad de nobla målen innebär:

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.




Kinas Belt and Road Initiative:


Kinas president Xi Jinping talar för den globala utvecklingen och vikten att omvandla världen
enligt de utstakade målen:

Xi proposes Global Development Initiative

"We must revitalize the economy and pursue more robust, greener and more balanced global development," Xi said in his statement delivered via video at the general debate of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly...

We need to foster global development partnerships that are more equal and balanced, forge greater synergy among multilateral development cooperation processes, and speed up the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development," Xi said.


Xi Jinping delar upp detta Global Development Initiative i sex punkter:

The President of the People’s Republic of China proposed a Global Development Initiative of six dimensions.

(1) Commitment to development as a high priority. The major economies ought to commit to strengthening policy coordination to ensure continuity and consistency. Implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ought to proceed more rapidly.

(2) Development must be people centered, for the people and by the people, with its fruits shared among the people. People-centered development is the best way to protect and promote human rights.

(3) Attention must be paid to the special needs of developing countries[inkluderar Kinas afrikanska samarbetspartners]. Strategies such as debt suspension and development aid ought to be employed. Unbalanced and inadequate development among and within countries ought to be addressed.

(4) Development ought to be driven by innovation. The most recent technological achievements and industrial transformations should be harnessed to boost productivity. In a veiled criticism of restrictions on the transfer of technology to the developing countries, the Chinese President call for “an open, fair, equitable and non-discriminatory environment for the development of science and technology.”

(5) Commitment to harmony between humans and nature. Global environmental governance ought to be improved, facilitating more active response to climate change. Transition to a green and low-carbon economy ought to be accelerated. To this end, China is striving to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and to achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. China will increase support for other developing countries in the development of green and low-carbon energy.

(6) Priority must be given to actions that have concrete results, in such areas as poverty alleviation, food security, COVID-19 response and vaccines, development financing, climate change and green development, industrialization, digital economy and connectivity.

...we must strengthen solidarity and promote mutual respect and win-win cooperation in conducting international relations. A world of peace and development should embrace civilizations of various forms, and must accommodate diverse paths to modernization. . . .
We need to pursue dialogue and inclusiveness over confrontation and exclusion. We need to build a new type of international relations based on mutual respect, equality, justice and win-win cooperation.

Xi made veiled criticism of U.S. military interventions in the name of democracy. “Recent developments in the global situation show once again that military intervention from the outside and so-called democratic transformation entail nothing but harm.” China has never and will never engage in military interventionism, he declared.
“China has never and will never invade or bully others, or seek hegemony.”

Xi maintained that the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, which define the rules and norms of the international order, are the only possible foundation for a secure and stable world order.
Therefore, the global governance system based in the United Nations must be strengthened. At the same time, the United Nations must commit to increasing the representation and the voice of developing countries in international relations.

Xi utlovar en bättre värld för alla:

The world is once again at a historical crossroads. I am convinced that the trend of peace, development and advancement for humanity is irresistible.
Let us bolster confidence and jointly address global threats and challenges, and work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind and a better world for all


Wang Yi:

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Sunday said China will continue to work with all parties to advance the Global Development Initiative and make positive contributions to accelerating the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and bringing benefits to people of all countries.

Noting the COVID-19 has brought multiple crises and challenges to the international community, especially developing countries, Wang said the importance of implementing the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has not weakened but increased, and it is becoming increasingly urgent to deepen international development cooperation.

"China calls for taking the opportunity of implementing the Global Development Initiative, strengthening political commitment, and taking practical actions to push forward the international development cause," Wang said.

2021-12-30, 00:57
Nyreggadjudes avatar
Kommentarer från FN-representant i Kina hur Global Development Initiative (GDI) är i linje med FN:s agenda och att uppnå Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

Global Development Initiative Cooperation towards Accelerated Implementation of the 2030 Agenda Workshop

The UN in China welcomes the opportunity to start the conversation on such an important initiative of the People’s Republic of China.
It has the potential to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals globally in this Decade of Action, especially in view of the setbacks brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The UN in China as your development partner stands ready to provide the best possible technical assistance and support to the Government of China to make this ambitious development initiative fully aligned to international norms and standards, as well as giving momentum to the SDGs.

As my boss the UN Secretary General António Guterres has said to mark 50 years of China’s return to the United Nations, “The United Nations will remain a firm partner of the people and Government of China towards building a fairer and more sustainable future. As we look back on 50 years of China and the United Nations, let us look forward and work to ensure that China and the world make progress in our shared efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and leave no one behind”....

We will soon hear from the Heads of the UN Agencies in China about important opportunities for the GDI to support and accelerate SDGs achievement. As the UN Resident Coordinator, I wish to point to a few here, and to bring the input of Agencies that have not been invited to speak but that are key to supporting China in realizing the vision of the 2030 Agenda.

First and foremost, gender. Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment is a pre-requisite to progress on all SDGs and targets. We are grateful to President Xi that at the UN General Assembly High Level Meeting on Beijing+25 in 2020, said “more should be done to eliminate violence, discrimination, poverty and other old problems and to address new challenges such as bridging the gender digital divide, so as to make women-related targets early harvest results of the UN's 2030 Agenda.”
He pledged China’s support to the UN in making women's development a priority. The GDI has the tremendous potential to do so and UN Women stands ready to support.

Kinas ambassadör får beröm för uppmaningen till de 174 medlemsländer i FN:s International Organization for Migration (däribland Sverige) om att arbeta tillsammans för detta GDI och hur invandrare ska bidra till och dra nytta av den "hållbara utvecklingen":

About migrants: I commend Ambassador Li Song’s remarks at the IOM’s Council last week urging member states “to work together towards the implementation of the Global Development Initiative and make migrants both contributors and beneficiaries of sustainable development”.


Going forward, we offer to host the next workshop on the GDI at the UN Compound in Beijing, to build on today’s conversation and ensure GDI’s success in contributing to achieving the SDGs around the world. Meanwhile, we will also engage with the international community in Beijing to ensure that our role is fully understood and supported.

The UN in China stands ready to work hard and support the Government of China in your efforts through implementation of our UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2021-25.

2021-12-30, 01:26
Guillounisms avatar
Intressant tråd.

Mer om nutidens Kina, och specifikt World Economic Forum. De har ett av sina sex internationella kontor i Peking:

World Economic Forum Beijing Representative Office
World Financial Centre
1801, West Tower
No.1 East 3rd Ring Middle Road
Chaoyang District
Beijing, 100020, China


Xi Jinping blev visst arg när vita länder ville införa protektionism och tariffer i syfte att försvara den egna industrin:

In 2017, the WEF in Davos attracted considerable attention when, for the first time, a head of state from the People's Republic of China was present at the alpine resort. With the backdrop of Brexit, an incoming protectionist US administration and significant pressures on free trade zones and trade agreements, Paramount leader Xi Jinping defended the global economic scheme, and portrayed China as a responsible nation and a leader for environmental causes. He sharply rebuked the current populist movements that would introduce tariffs and hinder global commerce, warning that such protectionism could foster isolation and reduced economic opportunity.[24]


WEF håller sedan 2007 ett årligt möte i Kina:

In 2007, the foundation established the Annual Meeting of the New Champions (also called Summer Davos), held annually in China, alternating between Dalian and Tianjin, bringing together 1,500 participants from what the foundation calls Global Growth Companies, primarily from rapidly growing emerging countries such as China, India, Russia, Mexico, and Brazil, but also including quickly growing companies from developed countries. The meeting also engages with the next generation of global leaders from fast-growing regions and competitive cities, as well as technology pioneers from around the globe.[61][62] The Premier of China has delivered a plenary address at each annual meeting.[citation needed]

2021-12-30, 03:06
Nyreggadjudes avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Guillounism
Intressant tråd.

Mer om nutidens Kina, och specifikt World Economic Forum. De har ett av sina sex internationella kontor i Peking:


Xi Jinping blev visst arg när vita länder ville införa protektionism och tariffer i syfte att försvara den egna industrin:


WEF håller sedan 2007 ett årligt möte i Kina:


Är tacksam för all information som kan sprida ljus över sakernas tillstånd.

Precis som Putin blev "Putler" har nu Xi blivit "Xitler":



Inget som förvånar, och det hjälper tydligen till att skapa missförstånd (kanske önskat sådant),
Mike S King tolkar stämpeln "Hitler" som att Xi är inne på rätt väg:

2021-12-30, 11:25
Dorniers avatar
USA var dock i krig med Kina under Koreakriget i början av 50-talet. En FN-styrka ledd av USA sattes in på den Sydkoreanska sidan. Då lade sig Kina i konflikten och sattes in trupper på den Nordkoreanska sidan. Sovjetiska stridspiloter lär ha deltagit också även om inte Sovjet skickade några marktrupper.

Det fanns väl olika krafter inom den amerikanska makten på den tiden, det var inte helt och hållet judaiserat kanske.
2021-12-30, 11:32
Dorniers avatar
Det var t o m från USA:s sida en del snack om att använda kärnvapen igen, som man hade gjort mot Japan 1945.

I början av 1950-talet hade USA ett klart övertag framför Sovjetunionen vad gällde kärnvapen. Vid en berömd presskonferens den 30 november 1950 antydde Truman att USA inte uteslöt att använda kärnvapen. Men Trumanadministrationen försäkrade efteråt att presidentens ordval hade varit olyckligt och att det inte fanns några planer på att använda atombomben.

Trumans befälhavare MacArthur ville, som nämnts ovan, använda kärnvapen. USA hade också planer på att använda kärnvapen men gjorde inte det. Våren 1951 levererades kärnvapendelar till en amerikansk bas i Okinawa, efter en begäran från MacArthur den 10 mars. Anledningen till att MacArthur avskedades i april 1951 var inte bara för att han var ovillig att lyda order. Truman ville ha en mer pålitlig befälhavare ifall man framöver skulle bestämma sig för att använda kärnvapen. Men USA var orolig för att kriget skulle utökas. Det fanns risk för att Sovjetunionen skulle bli indraget. En annan anledning till att kärnvapen aldrig sattes in var att den kinesiska offensiven slogs tillbaka. Det blev alltså bara ett så kallat ”begränsat krig”.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, som blivit USA:s president 1953, hotade indirekt med att använda kärnvapen, och skyndade på så sätt på försöken att få ett vapenstillestånd. En annan bidragande orsak till att kriget tog slut var Stalins död i mars 1953; på hösten 1952 hade Kina och Nordkorea varit beredda att avsluta kriget, men Stalin insisterade på att de skulle fortsätta.
2021-12-31, 20:08
Nyreggadjudes avatar

Vi har sett hur Kinas president Xi Jinping talar för en internationell världsordning, där projekt som Belt and Road Initiative och det framlagda förslaget Global Development Initiative är helt i linje med den globala agendan.

Detta har vunnit gehör hos Kinas afrikanska vänner som säger sig vilja delta i projekten.


Xi Jinping ger besked om Ekvatorialguinea och välkomnar landet att delta i den globala utvecklingen:

Chinese President Xi Jinping said Wednesday that China welcomes Equatorial Guinea to join the Global Development Initiative.

In a phone conversation with Equatorial Guinean President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Xi said his country stands ready to work with Equatorial Guinea and other African countries to promote sustainable and common development of developing countries.

Notera att det alltid så fräckt talas om länder som "suveräna" och "oberoende":

He added that his country will, as always, firmly support Equatorial Guinea in safeguarding its national sovereignty, independently exploring its own development path, and strive for more fruitful results in bilateral friendly cooperation in various fields, so as to create more benefits for the people in both countries.

Kina och Ekvatorialguinea ska utöka samarbetet inom Belt and Road Initiative:

China, he said, will continue to provide vaccine assistance for Equatorial Guinea's fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, deepen bilateral medical and health cooperation, and expand cooperation in various fields within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Internationell rättvisa ska säkras såväl som utvecklingsländernas intressen:

Noting that the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century at a faster pace, Xi stressed that China and Africa should continue to cement solidarity, strengthen coordination and mutual support, and safeguard international fairness and justice as well as the common interests of developing countries.


Xi Jinping says China welcomes Equatorial Guinea to join Global Development Initiative

The Chinese side will continue to assist Equatorial Guinea on COVID-19 vaccines, deepen medical and health cooperation between the two countries and expand cooperation in various fields within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), he added. Xi also said China and Africa should strengthen unity, coordination and mutual support to safeguard international fairness and justice as well as the common interests of developing countries.

Den afrikanske presidenten meddelar att Ekvatorialguinea kommer att vara deltagare i projekten Belt and Road Initiative och Global Development Initiative:

For his part, Obiang said Equatorial Guinea will actively take part in the BRI and GDI, and is ready to work with China to boost cooperation in all areas.


Under rubriken "Equatorial Guinea, China ready to take relationship to new heights" påpekar Xi vikten av deras relationer och att han vill fördjupa samarbetet gällande Belt and Road Initiative:

In an exchange of congratulatory messages with Obiang, Xi said that he attaches great importance to the development of China-Equatorial Guinea relations and is willing to work with Obiang to consolidate political mutual trust and deepen practical cooperation within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, so as to bring benefits to the two countries and their peoples.

President Obiang påstår, eller tolkar det som, att det handlar om säkrandet av "multilateralism" och att inte blanda sig i andra länders förehavanden:

Equatorial Guinea and China share similar setbacks in history, said Obiang, adding that at a time when the international community is facing major challenges, the two countries uphold a common position to safeguard the principles of multilateralism, dialogue and consultation, as well as non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs, and to safeguard common interests.


Ekvatorialguinea har olja och gas, landet är tredje största oljeproducent i Afrika. Tittar man på ägarförhållandena verkar det dock vara landets regering som innehar de minsta andelarna.
T. ex. ett område som Block EG09 vid Douala ägs till 80% av Chevron och resterande 20% tillhör GEPetrol.

Chevron är ett av världens största energibolag, andra största oljebolag i USA

GEPetrol beskrivs som ett nationellt bolag, men Kosmos Energy är till 80% ägare av oljeplattformarna vid kusten och GEPetrol får nöja sig med resterande 20%.

Regeringen äger så lite som mellan 3% i området Alba och 5% i Zafiro, två av landets huvudsakliga källor av råolja.

Fortsättning följer nedan.
2021-12-31, 20:37
Nyreggadjudes avatar

FN:s generalsekreterare António Guterres tackar för Guineas vilja att delta i det globala bygget:

The Secretary-General met with H.E. Mr. Alpha Condé, President of the Republic of Guinea.

They exchanged views on developments in West Africa and the Sahel. The Secretary-General welcomed Guinea’s efforts to implement the sustainable development goals and the 2030 Agenda.


Guineas president menar att Afrika vill kämpa för den "hållbara utvecklingen":

"ALPHA CONDÉ, President of Guinea, said that Africa had awoken and was prepared to rise up to fight for sustainable development, justice and good governance...

The adoption of the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063 on the regional level were a significant step forward in the fight against poverty, if all commitments were kept."


Agenda 2063 är ett initiativ från African Union:


African Union och FN i samarbete för att realisera Agenda 2030 och 2063:

AU–UN framework for the implementation of agenda 2063 and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development

The United Nations and the African Union signed the joint United Nations-African Union framework for an enhanced partnership in peace and security as a basis for collaboration through regular consultations and joint mechanisms...

The African Union-United Nations framework for the implementation of agenda 2063 and the 2030 agenda will therefore benefit from the synergies between peace and security, respect for and promotion of human rights and development. ..

Under the development framework, the conditions for cooperation between the United Nations and the African Union to promote inclusive growth for Africa’s sustainable development and transformation are set out. They will undertake joint activities and programs for the effective implementation, tracking and monitoring of and reporting on the 2030 agenda and agenda 2063.


Mer om Agenda 2063 kopplat till Sustainable Development Goals:


Kinas president Xi Jinping ser ett gott samarbete med Guinea som tillsammans med Kina ska stärka internationell samverkan, verka för implementerandet av agenda 2030 och den hållbara utvecklingen:

Xi Jinping emphasized that China and Guinea should persist in planning and developing bilateral relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, strengthen bilateral exchanges and cooperation of people from such fields as governments, ruling parties, legislative bodies and local governments, and consolidate the political foundation of long-term friendship...

China is willing to, together with Guinea, comprehensively strengthen international coordination, enhance communication and coordination in international and regional issues such as China-Africa cooperation in renewable energy, climate change, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and African peace and security, and jointly maintain the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries."


Xi ser i Guinea en samarbetspartner som ska hjälpa till att bygga Belt and Road Initiative:

I am willing to work together with President Alpha Conde to take the 60th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations as a new starting point to well grasp the historical opportunity of jointly building the Belt and Road Initiative and the flourishing development of China-Africa cooperation, cement friendship and mutual trust, and deepen practical cooperation. The two sides should continue to promote the development of China-Guinea comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, so as to benefit both countries and peoples, and actively contribute to building an even stronger China-Africa community with a shared future.

Guineas president ser positivt på saken:

Alpha Conde said in his message that the establishment of Guinea-China diplomatic relations has great significance to the development of Africa-China relations...
The Guinean side highly appreciates the Belt and Road Initiative, and is willing to work together with the Chinese side to cement their traditional friendship, well implement the outcomes of the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, and promote continuous and in-depth development of China-Guinea comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.


Guinea beskrivs som världens mest järnmalmrika område, och som andra största producent i världen av bauxit, råmaterial för aluminium som används i allt från mobiltelefoner, bilar, båtar, möbler, flygplan, maskiner, konstruktioner i allmänhet.
Kina är världens största producent och konsument av aluminium och får sin huvudsakliga mängd bauxit från Guinea.
Kinas inblandning i Guinea har ökat i och med expansionen av Belt and Road Initiative, ett projekt kopplat till den globala agendan.
I och med militärkuppen och arresterandet av presidenten Alpha Condé i Guinea har tillgången på aluminium försämrats:



Fler rapporter om hur det sätter käppar i hjulet för det globala bygget (en karta över BRIs utbredning finns med i artikeln):

Coup in Guinea drives China’s multi-billion-dollar trade and investment scheme ‘The Belt and Road Initiative’ to more complexity


Kuppen har fördömts av Kina enskilt och det internationella samfundet, FN, EU, Economic Community of West African States och African Union.

Reaktion från FN:s generalsekreterare António Guterres:

I am personally following the situation in Guinea very closely.
I strongly condemn any takeover of the government by force of the gun and call for the immediate release of President Alpha Conde.


Simandou South project som ska ta sig an gruvdriften av Guineas järnmalm beskrivs som det största afrikanska gruvprojektet någonsin med en beräknad årlig produktion av 100 miljoner ton järnmalm. Projektet sköts av Simfer S.A, ett samarbetsbolag ägt av:

Regeringen i Guinea
Rio Tinto (2a största metall- och gruvbolag i världen med Rothschild som ägare)
Chinalco (Aluminum Corporation of China Limited)
International Finance Corporation (medlem i World Bank Group).


Guinea Bauxite Company är det största bauxitproducerande företaget i Guinea och ett av de största i världen. Dess delägare är:

Regeringen i Guinea
Halco Mining Inc, ett konsortium bestående av:

Rio Tinto-Alcan (dotterbolag till Rothschilds Rio Tinto)
Alcoa (amerikanskt multinationellt företag, 2a största producent i världen av aluminium)
Dadco Investments

Afrika och dess tillgångar, relationerna med Kina och den globala agendan, Belt and Road Initiative, Global Development Initiative - allt detta är intimt sammankopplat.
De vill förstås inte se några politiska oroligheter som stör deras projekt.

Sedan kan man fråga sig i hur stor utsträckning ett projekt som Belt and Road Initiative, eller Global Development Initiative, verkligen är kinesiska.
Som synes är Kina påverkat av den internationella makten och Xi Jinping (m. fl. kineser) framstår i mångt och mycket som en frontfigur för andra större intressen, som en buktalardocka med någon annan där bakom som är den verklige talaren.
Bara en sådan sak som att Kina hyllar personer som förändrat, reformerat, "öppnat" landet och delar ut medaljer till dessa i offentliga ceremonier säger en hel del.
Hur direkt kan då påverkan och rena beordringar inte vara i det fördolda?

Kinas militära närvaro i den afrikanska regionen och de framtida planerna om utökat sådant kanske är helt i den internationella maktens tycke, eller kan det också vara en plan som från första början uttänktes av personer som inte är kineser? Kommer vi få höra att det är för att "säkra stabiliteten", särskilt efter en kupp som i Guinea, eller någon annan ursäkt? "Säkra" någonting annat som "mänskliga rättigheter", "fred" eller "den hållbara utvecklingen"?
2022-01-01, 02:04
Nyreggadjudes avatar
Juden Robert Lawrence Kuhn har tidigare nämnts i tråden.

År 2015 höll han ett tal vid "Summit and Plenary Meeting of the International Seminar on the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative"
(21st Century Maritime Silk Road är namnet på sjöfartsdelen av Belt and Road Initiative).

Inledningsvis berättar Kuhn att Kina nu ändrar tillvägagångssätt till att aktivt delta i internationella förehavanden. Ett historiskt skifte är på väg att ta vid:

An "inflection point" in mathematics occurs when there is a change of curvature, say from concave to convex, at a particular point on a curve. There is now, at this particular point of time, an inflection point occurring in China's diplomacy, as the country changes from reactive to pro-active in its international relations. Future historians may characterize this transformation as one of the defining geopolitical trends of the first half of the 21st century.

Han citerar Jinping vilken beskriver världen som alltmer multipolär, som om det är länder vilka agerar oberoende och självständigt, på eget initiativ, och att Kina ska bli en stor makt. Vänner ska skaffas runtom i världen, vilket man menar ska gynna "the Chinese dream". Internationella mål tillhör tydligen Kinas kärnintressen:

President Xi Jinping has given his clearest directive for China's foreign policy and it is certainly more engaged with the world. Speaking to senior Party officials at the 2014 Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs, the first in eight years, Xi described China's new diplomacy.

Articulating the "strategic objectives and principal tasks of foreign affairs work," Xi stresses safe-guarding China's core interests, crafting a conducive international environment, and hastening the nation's emergence as a great power. China, he says, should "make friends and form partnership networks throughout the world" and "strive to gain more understanding and support from countries all over the world" for the Chinese dream. Moreover, China should conduct "diplomacy as a great power" in an increasingly "multi-polar" world."

Sedan talas det om att Kina strävar efter globalt ledarskap, men att detta inte kan ske bara med ekonomisk och militär makt endast, moral och etik är ju också viktigt.
Kina står för en helt annan vision som är överlägsen den västerländska:

Xi recognizes that China cannot compete for global leadership by power alone. Economic and military strength, while necessary, are not sufficient. There must also be a moral or ethical component to China's rise: China must ride the high road, offering an alternative geopolitical vision that is in some sense superior to that of the West.
China, Xi asserts, should "see to it that equal importance is attached to justice and benefits, stress faithfulness, value friendship, carry forward righteousness, and foster ethics."

A few days after the Foreign Affairs Conference, at a Politburo study session on regional free trade, Xi called for China to "participate and lead, make China's voice heard, and inject more Chinese elements into international rules." To effect such historic change to the world order, Xi is reshaping the diplomatic landscape with new global thinking of "active engagement".
For example, Xi describes a new category of countries, which he labels "major developing powers" (e.g., India, Brazil, South Africa) and with which China should "expand cooperation" and "closely integrate our country's development."Furthermore, China should take leadership in the developing world and seek to "speak for other developing countries."

Klara besked:

From global climate change to international peacekeeping, Xi is changing China from a sometime reluctant follower to an often creative leader. It is a long-term process, but Xi is making it clear now that China has re-emerged as a great power and there is no turning back.

Kuhn tar upp en bok som president Xi Jinping har skrivit (om det nu är han som författat den) och ser över delarna som berör internationella förehavanden med citat från boken:

What is Xi's grand vision for China? The world is watching; many are hopeful, too many are fearful. Some wonder about Xi's deep intent. But there is now no need to wonder. President Xi has made his intent clear in his new book Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, which portrays his vision with high resolution. For this reason, the book's multiple chapters on Xi's take on international relations should be scrutinized.

Following are the chapters of the book dedicated to foreign affairs:

One Country, Two Systems ("Hong Kong, Macao and the Chinese mainland are closely linked by destiny." "We must increase political trust between the mainland and Taiwan.").

Peaceful Development ("Civilizations become richer and more colorful through exchanges and mutual learning." "Mutual understanding is the foundation of state-to-state relations." "We should pursue mutually beneficial development featuring openness and cooperation, develop China by securing a peaceful international environment and, at the same time, uphold and promote world peace through our own development.")

New Model of Major-Country Relations ("China and the US should and can build a new model of relationship different from the historical clashes and confrontations between major powers, given the rapid economic globalization and the need for all countries in the world to work together.")

Neighborhood Diplomacy ("The China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation Fund set up by the Chinese government should be used to develop maritime partnership in a joint effort to build the Maritime Silk Road of the 21st century.")

Cooperation with Developing Countries ("Promote the Silk Road Spirit, Strengthen China-Arab Cooperation").

Multilateral Relations ("Work Hand in Hand for Common Development." "New Approach for Asian Security Cooperation").

Det internationella projektet påstås vara Xi Jinpings idé:

The "Silk Road Economic Initiative (land route and maritime)" is President Xi's new initiative for multinational development, and it exemplifies his strategic thinking.

Mer formuleringar om att Kina ska vara den globala ledaren:

For China to fulfill its potential as a global leader, it must gain the world's respect for its principals and philosophies, not only for its economy and military. This involves appreciation for China's self-determined 'road of development'and for its political system, particularly the perpetual leadership of the one ruling party, the Communist Party of China.

USA har ansvaret för att Kina inte ska se dem som en motståndare, USA måste finna sig i att Kina nu utvecklas och tar plats. Kuhn drömmer om en framtida värld där fiendskap inte existerar (den messianska eran), där Kina har ansvar för "världsfreden" och ska slå ned på de stygga typerna i världen:

For China not to view the U.S. as its adversary, not as a threat to its system and government, Washington will have to accept that the Western democratic model may not be ideal for all nations at all times (the recent Middle East should teach this lesson). The U.S. must appreciate that China must continue to determine and develop its own system. In my dream of a post-adversarial world, China would assume increasing responsibility for world peace and prosperity, which would include opposing regimes that trouble their own people. In seeking the moral optimum, China may have to tear up old scripts, which may be in China's own best interests.

Mer om att USA måste anpassa sig. Det är en ny tid nu och det bästa är om både USA:s och Kinas utrikespolitik blir densamma:

For its part, the U.S. should reject the Cold-War mentality of "containing China", resisting its rise, as being both archaic and self-defeating. Of course there would remain areas of
contention – balance of trade, human rights, territorial disputes – but different political systems should not be one of them. Politico-economic theories constructed in the 18th and 19th centuries have little utility in the 21st century, where all nations seek optimized models of free markets and government regulation that by nature can be neither generalized nor static.
I believe that it is in the national interests of China and the U.S. to work together such that their foreign policies begin to converge.

Mer vädjan till samförstånd. Kuhn låtsas också att judarnas kasserade verktyg, "leftist utopia", inte var judarnas verktyg, och att det var något annat än det de nu fortsätter att sträva mot under andra former:

Both the U.S. and China should change tired ways of thinking. The U.S. should come to see China without the distorting lens of old history and the Cold War. Decades have passed since China felt compelled to export the nonexistent "glories" of extreme leftist 'utopia'. Today's China has no interest in trying to convert the world to its road of development or political system.

Fortsättning följer nedan.
2022-01-01, 02:12
Nyreggadjudes avatar

I do not advocate that China follow the US model; it must pursue its own self-interests, which stress improving standards of living and the country's increasing prominence and prestige.
To secure the former, China requires international stability. To enable the latter, China must take the moral high ground in international affairs.

China becomes a leading nation by asserting, not by resisting, moral leadership, even if problems are complex. I applaud China for assuming more responsibility in promoting global stability, from reigning in rogue regimes to providing humanitarian relief. In today's world, the real conflict is not between opposing political systems but rather between the forces of modernity, competence and development and those of ignorance, exploitation and oppression.
As such, China's increasing engagement with global diplomacy should be celebrated.

Länk till artikeln:


En "västerlänning" lyfter fram andra aktörer som sägs stå för något bättre än det västerländska, "amerikanen" Kuhn vill att "hans" land USA ska tagga ner och foga sig. Varför? För att det handlar om en INTERNATIONELL makt som inte tar hänsyn till gränser.
Vilket land det är som de olika profilerna är stationerade i eller där institutioner är placerade saknar betydelse, det är ett internationellt kotteri som arbetar och verkar gränsöverskridande för att skapa "en enda värld".
Ett Yale kan vara placerat i USA, men det kan också etableras i Kina där man lär upp nominella ledare som Mao Zedong i de judiska doktrinerna.

Kuhn har som tidigare nämnts givit ut en bok med titeln How China's Leaders Think: The Inside Story of China's Reform and What This Means for the Future (2009).
Boken ska vara ett resultat av att han har lyssnat till och tagit del av tankegångarna hos Kinas ledare, men frågan är om det inte är ledarna som först blivit formade, och sedan ges det ut en bok som i själva verket presenterar hans och de internationella makthavarnas önskemål.

Kuhn klargör i det här talet hur världen ska omformas och att Kina ska vara en ledande kraft för detta, en huvudaktör globalt, dvs verktyg åt makthavarna - ett helt och hållet planerat och utformat projekt.

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