2010-09-03, 17:31
Ursprungligen postat av Anemon
Yes and this is what many people here at Flashback are saying again and again but it's like screaming at the ocean. Somehow I think many here , myself included, are almost happy that this scandal blew up here! since it is no longer possible for the TOTALLY CORRUPT SWEDISH SOCIETY to keep their dirty laundry out of the public eye. How did they manage?
Well what with the press and media being more or less like PRAVDA with two major owners of the free word in Sweden what to expect?? There exist no such thing as digging critical journalism i Sweden.
Try to write for example a comment on a newspapers comment section that is not completely inline with the article. go back five minutes later, and VOILA the comment is erased.
Right now even the swedish prosecutor office is a member of the club "erase my shit " how safe does that make the common swedish citizen feel if I may ask anyone who cares to answer???
This sordid affair comes as absolutely NO surprise to many of us who are following what is going on in Sweden. Listen, former sovjet etc got nothing on Sweden, because the people here are so certain tha no corruption what so ever exists in Sweden. It is a completely impossible thing for many swedes to even imagine. That is how brainwashed this poor swedish people is.
Sorry about rant.
Well what with the press and media being more or less like PRAVDA with two major owners of the free word in Sweden what to expect?? There exist no such thing as digging critical journalism i Sweden.
Try to write for example a comment on a newspapers comment section that is not completely inline with the article. go back five minutes later, and VOILA the comment is erased.
Right now even the swedish prosecutor office is a member of the club "erase my shit " how safe does that make the common swedish citizen feel if I may ask anyone who cares to answer???
This sordid affair comes as absolutely NO surprise to many of us who are following what is going on in Sweden. Listen, former sovjet etc got nothing on Sweden, because the people here are so certain tha no corruption what so ever exists in Sweden. It is a completely impossible thing for many swedes to even imagine. That is how brainwashed this poor swedish people is.
Sorry about rant.
For those who still think that the Swedes are freedom-loving individuals, just remember that Sweden is the only country in the world where the people gladly believed the state propaganda about the necessity of the swineflu mass-vaccination - an incredible turnout of 70-75 percent whereas in other countries only a few percent believed the propaganda. The Swedes are absolutely drunk on authoritarianism and following the crowd.
Was it Göthe who said, that no-one is more enslaved than those who believe they are free.