Intressant läsning om Julian som person från en artikel av 2010-05-22. Här ett excerpt om hans syn på lag & rättvisa:
Did being arrested, and later on finding himself in a courtroom, push him into a completely different reality that he had never thought about - and in a direction that eventually saw him start thinking along the lines of a website like WikiLeaks, that would take on the world?
''That [experience] showed me how the justice system and bureaucracy worked, and did not work; what its abilities were and what its limitations were,'' he replies. ''And justice wasn't something that came out of the justice system. Justice was something that you bring to the justice system. And if you're lucky, or skilled, and you're in a country that isn't too corrupt, you can do that.''
Inga banaliteter eller trivialiteter när den här killen talar. Allt han säger är profound.