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2010-09-10, 08:47
Ursprungligen postat av Anemon
Ja dessutom så är det ju faktiskt så attmånga gärningsmän faktiskt ERKÄNNER sina brott. Men för att kunna erkänna något måste man ju få veta vad man misstänks för.
Men MArianne Ny utgår alltså från att Assange är en fullständigt förhärdad grovt kriminell som hon på förhand har bestämt att han kommer att neka ända ner i graven? ELLER?
Marianne Ny är bara ännu en i raden av dårar som är inblandad i detta.

Kan man anta att Marianne NY inte är OBJEKTIV som åklagare?

Marianne Ny styrs av, som JA säger karriärism . Tyvärr ett vanligt fenomen bland jurister. Inom kåren finns några bra jurister, andra är äventyrssökande.

De gör en höna av en fjäder för att tjäna anseendepoäng , samma fenomen drabbade mannen i skåne som anklagades av sin dotter för satanistiska ritualövergrepp.
2010-09-10, 08:50
Pentyls avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Ooranienburg
Marianne Ny styrs av, som JA säger karriärism . Tyvärr ett vanligt fenomen bland jurister. Inom kåren finns några bra jurister, andra är äventyrssökande.

De gör en höna av en fjäder för att tjäna anseendepoäng , samma fenomen drabbade mannen i skåne som anklagades av sin dotter för satanistiska ritualövergrepp.
Thomas Quick, knutbyutredningen, fallet Ulf, osv, borde få vilken auktoritetstro som helst att drabbas av åtminstone lite tvivel.
2010-09-10, 09:38
PopcornPowers avatar
Ursprungligen postat av aeaeaeaea
Vet inte om detta spår nämnts förut:

"Both Assange and Ardin are connected with a cult called the White Brotherhood. Children of sect-members."

(hittade detta i en kommentar på en blogg)


Kan bekräfta kopplingen mellan JA och GWB men finns koppling mellan AA och GWB?

There are more details on his wikipedia entry here:

Basically, at the age of 8, his mother married an musician who was involved in that cult for 3 years. Then his mother divorced the cult member. His mother, himself & brother went into hiding to avoid that cult for 5 years. I have a lot of sympathy for children who get mixed up in cults due to their parents. Some cults are stupid and mostly harmless. Others are vicious & relentless. If his mother had to go on the run for 5 years, I would expect the cult to be more on the vicious/relentless side. People don't need to hide from normal religions.
2010-09-10, 09:49
PopcornPowers avatar
Ursprungligen postat av benderblod
So the Institute may secretely keep the DNA from the blood. Or more likely two tubes will be drawn and one tube will disappear. Then the DNA of JA will be sent to..........

DNA can be obtained from drinking glasses, soda bottles, chewing gum, cigarette butts, forks etc. It is ridiculous to think that any part of this has to do with obtaining Julian's DNA. If anyone one wants his DNA all they have to do is follow him around and grab something that he has put is mouth on at a restaurant.
2010-09-10, 10:03
PopcornPowers avatar
Ursprungligen postat av aeaeaeaea
Jaha, det förklarar ju saken. Att båda var medlemmar i metodistkyrkan vet jag dock inte om jag snappat upp tidigare.

This cult doesn't have much to do with mainstream methodist. It actually sounds very creepy.

If you are looking for information on the cult Julian's mother got sucked into when he was 8-11 years old, you can get better information on the guy who led the cult.


If they got out after only 3 years, I don't think they drank the koolaid.
2010-09-10, 10:05
Akademicas avatar
Anna Ardin talar ut. Helenas Palenas blogg är klart läsvärd.

"Först kom ett mejl från en Simon Ratu som ville att jag skulle ta bort Anna Ardins namn.

Vad Helena svarar hittar ni här:


GenusNytt ifrågasätter också mäns rättsäkerhet..

@Patrik (PP): Jag gillade också särskilt det där stycket du citerade.

Och jag tror faktiskt att ”folk i allmänhet” intuitivt förstår vad en våldtäkt är. Både män och alldeles säkert de flesta kvinnor. Det är bara det att ”folk i allmänhet” tycks lysa med sin frånvaro i den här cirkusen. Koncentrationen av karriärfeminister verkar desto högre.

2010-09-10, 10:21
rövners avatar
Ursprungligen postat av PopcornPower
This cult doesn't have much to do with mainstream methodist. It actually sounds very creepy.

If you are looking for information on the cult Julian's mother got sucked into when he was 8-11 years old, you can get better information on the guy who led the cult.


If they got out after only 3 years, I don't think they drank the koolaid.

Is it possible that this cult really is the environment where JA got his understanding of the female sex? And could it be that he is acting far more as an ambassador of theirs than of wikileaks? Could it be that the CIA is after a sample of his DNA in order to refine this new supercell that is manifested in his supernatural ways with women? Could it be that they in some postcolonial attempt to amaricanize the world wish to use the DNA for purposes realized by few unlucky investigators such as ourselves? In my opinion the SÄPO should make haste in sharing certain bits of the information obtained from the bugs installed in JAs chambers. In the end this investigation is about so much more than a militant feminists rise to fame - it could very well define the course of political globalism once and for all! Take heed - but make haste. JA if you are listening in - our childrens happiness depends on you - bring your own plates and cups to the restaurant
Senast redigerad av rövner 2010-09-10 kl. 10:25.
2010-09-10, 11:16
PopcornPowers avatar
Ursprungligen postat av aeaeaeaea
Är hon verkligen så hemsk? Tråden tycks väl snarare överens om att hon snarare gjort saker och ting rätt?

I am not ready to judge Ny's actions yet. But I do think there is a legitimate concern that she may be taking these actions not because she feels there is a real instance of criminal activity, but because she wants to appease radical political feminist. Reviewing everything in the stories of the women for any hint of criminal activity I think is going too far. Can any of us really feel that a thorough police review of every detail of our bed room activities would not make us all criminals? If you apply radical feminist interpretations of what might be rape or force in normal mating habits amongst the general population, all men would be in jail. And women would not be able to find strong men that they desire. They would be left with wishy-washy wimps with no backbone.

What I also find disturbing is the prospect that the investigation will leave no stone unturned for Julian's actions. But they will not apply the same standards of investigation on wrong doing on when it comes to Sofia & Anna. If true gender neutral standards were applied, it may well be viewed that Sofia and Anna are guilty of rape, sexual coercion, force. At the very least there are the possibilities that the women were abusing the legal system to force a person to take a STI test against his will, or making false allegations of rape or sexual molestation, or guilty of character assassination.

But there is no chance that the women's behavior will be equally reviewed. This is not equality.
2010-09-10, 11:28
PopcornPowers avatar
Ursprungligen postat av aeaeaeaea
Skum formulering: "Besynnerligt var att kvinnan som gjorde anmälan inte själv uppgav att hon blivit utsatt för våldtäkt."
And yet the lawyer they employ DOES make allegations of rape. It's a nice way to dodge responsibility for your actions by employing someone else to make the accusations for you. It's still just as dirty in my eyes. But who is going to spend money and time to make a lawyer accountable for his actions.
2010-09-10, 11:38
deckardrottningens avatar
Ursprungligen postat av PopcornPower
If true gender neutral standards were applied, it may well be viewed that Sofia and Anna are guilty of rape, sexual coercion, force. ...

But there is no chance that the women's behavior will be equally reviewed. This is not equality.

Den vanliga metoden för att se om jämlikhet råder är att byta ut könet.

En manlig press-sekreterare erbjuder den kvinnliga utländska gästen att bo själv i hans lägenhet, under vistelsen i Sverige och säger att han bor nån annanstans.
Efter några dagar återvänder han till sin lägenhet och kräver tillträde trots att den kvinnliga gästen fortfarande bor kvar. Det finns bara en säng i lägenheten och han föreslår att dom ska sova tillsamman. Han kryper ner i sängen naken bredvid den kvinnliga gästen. Senare på natten har han sex med sin gäst.

En vecka senare anmäler mannen sin kvinnliga gäst för våldtäkt.

Låter det som ett jämlikt scenario?
2010-09-10, 12:11
PopcornPowers avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Kattafanken
We've danced on this theory before - If Anna knows she's carrying a virus that is mentioned in the Smittsskyddslag, she is breaking that law by not offering this information directly to SW (or if that's to much for her, simply contacting sjukvården and asking to have her name added to the "potentiellt smittade av mig" list they make, so they can deal with it discreetly).
I think the premise is a little different. The women want to demand that Julian gets a STI test. Julian may be unaware he has any sexually transmitted disease. Anna may very well be unaware she has any sexually transmitted diseases either unless she gets tested herself. I see this as they women potentially not having a sense of equality in their demands of testing. Sofia is at risk for catching a disease that Anna may not know she has. Sofia does not appear to be capable of forcing Julian to get tested right now. It only makes sense that Anna gets tested & provide the results to Anna if unknown disease transmission is their true concern.
2010-09-10, 12:22
rövners avatar
Vi vet att JA inte hörs, men kanske är det så att man håller på att höra andra personer i hans och tjejornas närhet?

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